© Institut für Freiraumentwicklung

We cannot live without streets, squares, parks and landscapes. Here we meet, we move and relax, we develop ideas and we argue about who may use these spaces and how. These open spaces are ecological, social and political spaces, open-air stages and mirrors of society. At the Institute for Open Space Planning and Design, we address the demands of a changing society on its open spaces and shape their future. We work at the intersection of design and planning, political and natural sciences, concretely and also fundamentally.

In the Department of Open Space Policy and Planning Communication we are concerned with conflicts, needs and interests in open space and with the appropriate forms of dialogue for open space policy debates.

The Department of Designing Urban Landscapes deals - inter- and transdisciplinary - with the design of open spaces against the background of current transformation challenges such as urbanization, climate crisis or loss of biodiversity.


CIRCULAR DESIGN Pre-Launch at Bauhaus University Weimar

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CIRCULAR DESIGN Pre-Launch at Bauhaus University Weimar

Jörg Schröder, Riccarda Cappeller, Alissa Diesch, and Federica Scaffid will pre-launch the new book CIRCULAR DESIGN at Bauhaus University Weimar, Monday 20.10.2022, 18:30, Audimax.

When it comes to climate change, circularity has become a major topic. Closed loops, reuse, recycling, and renewable materials are already fashionable ideas in architecture and product design. In order to establish the new paradigm of circular design, this book introduces a territorial dimension to the goal of transforming living spaces for resilience and sustainability—and to the use of design-led research and design-thinking as effective forces for analysis, developing concepts and strategies, and cooperative processes of transformation. Featuring case studies from all over Europe that merge creative narratives in urbanism with social innovation and creative industries, Circular Design aims to activate dynamic fields and networks of ideas, people, and space oriented to circular principles.


CIRCULAR DESIGN, published by JOVIS Berlin, will be released with an event on 17 January 2023 at Leibniz University Hannover.

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