
30419 Hannover
Tue. 10:00 - 12:00
Thu. 10:00 - 12:00

Public transport
From the main station, walk about 400m through the city center to the station "Kröpcke", or take the tram line 1, 2, 3 or 7. From the station "Kröpcke" you can reach the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape - Institute for Open Space Planning and Design - in Herrenhäuser Straße 2a in about 7 minutes. Use the tram line 4 direction Garbsen or 5 direction Stöcken. The stop "Appelstraße" is located a few meters from the department building at Herrenhäuser Straße 2a.
Coming by car from the north, take the A2 motorway. Take the exit "Herrenhausen/Zentrum" onto the B6 (Westschnellweg). After approx. 8km turn left at the traffic lights onto Bremer Damm towards the city center. After approx. 2km this expressway ends at Königsworther Platz. In front of you, you will see the Continental high-rise building of the university location Königsworther Platz diagonally to the right. To reach the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape - Institute for Open Space Planning and Design - turn sharp left into Nienburger Straße (direction Herrenhäuser Gärten). After approx. 300m you will see the Welfenschloss (main building) on your right. After approx. 1.5 km you will reach the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape - Institute for Open Space Planning and Design - at Herrenhäuser Straße 2a. Parking is available diagonally opposite the faculty: At the traffic light, turn into the parking lot of the Herrenhäuser Gardens.
If you are coming from the south on the A7, take the exit "Hannover-Süd" in the direction of "Messe" and turn onto the B6 (Messeschnellweg). As soon as you have passed the trade fair, turn onto the B65 (Südschnellweg) in the direction of "Zentrum". Leave the expressway at the "Zentrum" exit and turn right at the traffic lights onto Hildesheimer Straße. Hildesheimer Straße ends at the City-Ring onto which you turn left in the direction of "Universität / Herrenhäuser Gärten". You will be guided via Aegidientorplatz, Friedrichswall, Leibnizufer, Brühlstraße to Königsworther Platz. On your right you will now see the Continental high-rise building of the university location Königsworther Platz. To get to the main university and the other locations, drive straight ahead across Königsworther Platz into Nienburger Straße (in the direction of Herrenhäuser Gärten). After about 300m you will see the Welfenschloss (main building) on your right. After approx. 1.5 km you will reach the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape - Institute for Open Space Planning and Design - at Herrenhäuser Straße 2a. Parking is available diagonally opposite the faculty: at the traffic lights, turn into the Herrenhäuser Gärten parking lot.